It is a new obstacle: since the 2010 there can be a door on the path, that used to be opened by the specific operation.The door will be located on the tunel. It is possible to open the door using the red brick. The brick used to be moved from its position at least 2 cm in any direction. The brick can be placed anywhere BEFORE the tunnel with door. The brick will be placed at the LEFT side of the path, cca 15 - 20 cm from the line. It will be freely placed on the table.
Placement and dimensions of the cube.
The cube dimensions are 10 x 10 x 10 cm, its weight is 500 g
250 g,
colour red. The cube senses its position and after the
movement from its initial position at least 2 cm in any direction
the door will be open.
Opening the tunel door.
In case that robot is not able to open the door, there are following possibilities:
- It will stay before the door, it will be open after 10 sec. automatically
- It can drive around the tunel like a standard obstacle