Freestyle 2020

The task

The task is to build the most interesting robot.

Dimensions and size

Minimal and maximum dimensions are not limited. Mass of the robot is not limited.

The competition

Each participant must register on the contest page and fill in all the details of its robot (up to now we were quite tolerating empty data fields, but now this is mandatory, because we cannot ask you on the competition place).

After the application deadline, contestants have one more week to upload their video and other documentation showing the operation of your robot to the YouTube.

Then all the registered robots will be reviewed by a jury that will evaluate them and determine the winners based on the points obtained.

Note: If circumstances allow, the organizer will invite the winners to a public demonstration of the winning robots at an event to be held in Bratislava (not yet specified).

Application form and competition video

The robot application for the competition includes:
+ description of the hardware, software and robot operation
+ a video link (on how the robot works.

Video length is limited to max. for 3 minutes.

You can add more videos, photos, a description of the robot, and so on, at your discretion. If the juror is interested in the first, three-minute video, he can of course watch other links.

An alternative to uploading to YouTube is to create your own website with the documentation above.

Rating and prices

Each robot will be judged primarily by the main video. The jury will evaluate the robot in terms of mechanical, electronics and software design. In particular, they will evaluate the idea and functionality as if the quality of the presentation (video). In each of these areas it will be possible to get 0 - 3 points, ie max. 12. A more detailed assessment is provided in the Annex.

The winners will be three robots, which score the sum of all jurors as many points.


10. 5. 2020 - registration deadline (just fill in the form, video not necessary at this moment).

17. 5. 2020 - it is necessary to complete the documentation, upload the video and insert its link into the registration form.

We will review the videos by May 31st and then publish the results on June 1st.

We will announce the date of the public presentation as soon as possible.

In case of difficulties e.g. with uploading the video documentation, contact us at

By submitting a link to the video, the subscriber agrees to share this video on our website, and social networks.

And, of course, all the common rules apply.

Appendix 1: Video - tips and recommendations

The video should capture all the important moments of the robot's behavior. It should clearly show all the details of the robot important for the function presented. You should explain in it what the robot does, how it is designed, why it is extraordinary, how much effort you must have made, and of course it should show the robot in action.

Shoot the video in good light conditions, in a landscape format, and use a tripod if possible. A spoken commentary describing the operation of the robot is also optional, but welcome. In addition, publishing software source codes and wiring diagrams will improve the quality of your product in the jury's eyes. You can also use your local audience to ask and answer one or two questions.

Tip: if you mark your YouTube video as "unlisted", no one will find it before evaluating the results. Marking it with hashtag #istrobot2020 makes it easier to find all the contestants.

Appendix 2: Evaluation by the jury

        A. Electronics (complexity, design, idea and own effort)
           0 - not suitable
           1 - just right
           2 - a suitable commercial product
           3 - original creation

        B. Mechanics (complexity, design, idea, own contribution)
           0 - not suitable
           1 - kit
           2 - kit + own modification
           3 - original design

        C. Software (functionality, complexity, implementation)
           0 - not working
           1 - demo, someone's else work
           2 - own creation
           3 - completely original
        D. The idea is
           0 - taken from someone else
           1 - average
           2 - interesting
           3 - unusual        

        E. Functionality - the robot as a whole:
           0 - is not working
           1 - sometimes works
           2 - small problems
           3 - everything flawless

        F. Video
           0 - it is not clear what it shows
           1 - only basic function without description
           2 - well documents the function of the robot and complements it with a description
           3 - added value (there is something extra)