Lokalizalizácia robotov laserovými technológiami
Prednáška absolventa FEI STU
Alberta Diósiho
v pondelok, 6. februára 2006 o 11:00
na KAR FEI STU Bratislava
D-blok, 4. poschodie, miestnosť D 424 (zasadačka KAR).

Robot SLAMbot, použitý na riešenie úloh.
- Simulaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for mobile robots.
- Laser range finders; Fitting lines to laser range data and
approximating their errors.
- Fusion of laser range finder and advanced sonar measurements.
- Laser scan matching.
- SLAM using scan matching and laser range finder and advanced
sonar fusion.
- Work going on at the intelligent robotic research centre
at Monash University, Australia.
- ...and a few words about Australia.
Samotná prezentácia by nemala trvať dlhšie ako 40 - 50 min.
O prednášajúcom
Albert Diosi je absolvent FEI STU, pokračoval v Phd štúdiu na
Intelligent Robotics Research Centre of Monash University (Austrália).
Titul PhD. získal v roku 2005.
Počas štúdia sa venoval nasledovným oblastiam:
- Fitting lines and corners to laser range finder measurements and
modeling their error.
- Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) using advanced sonar and
laser range finder measurements.
- Occupancy grid building while performing feature based SLAM.
- Point-to-point laser scan matching in the laser rage finder's
polar coordinate system.
© 2006 Richard Balogh
Posledná zmena: 1. februára 2006.