The task is to construct an autonomous robot that will complete the racing track and negotiate all its pitfalls. It contains several obstacles - for example a bridge, tunnel to pass through and a brick to be avoided. Details...Micromouse
The task is to construct a robot that can autonomously solve a maze and achieve the goal in the shortest time. When the robot tracks the right hand wall it will solve the maze, but not in the shortest possible time. Details...Ketchup house
In this category the task is to localize and sort ketchup cans in the storage. Two robots compete, winner is faster and more precise robot. Details...Flying challenge
The task is to build the flying machine which is able to float the specified track in the arena and brings the payload to the goal in the shortest time. For the first, pilot year of the contest it is allowed to use also the remote control for machines. Details...Freestyle
In this category, competitors are encouraged to demonstrate their robotics creations which do not fit into other categories. The winner is appointed according to the jury judgment. Details...