Sorting mashine

Autor(i): Jakub Koziołek

Základné údaje

Procesor: ATmega328
Veľkosť pamäte: SRAM: 2 kB, Flash: 32 kB, EEPROM: 1 kB
Frekvencia: 16 MHz
Senzory: Inductive sensor: LJ12A3-4-Z/BY, reflective sensor: E18-D80NK 80, color sensor: TCS3200, laser transmitter: KY-008, laser receiver: DS1 8B20
Pohon: 2 x stepper motor: SX17-1005LQCEF and JK57HS56-2804, 3 x servomechanism: Futaba S3003
Napájanie: ATX power supply - 230 V
Programovací jazyk: C (for arduino platform)
Zaujímavosti: --
Domáca stránka robota: --


The purpose of the robot is to sort three types of objects. These objects are: bushings, red discs and aluminum discs. Sorting is done automatically. Computer visualization is used to read sensors output status and manual control.