Scorpio X

Autor(i): Natalia Ćwilichowska, Anna Wójcik, Adrian Krzemiński

Základné údaje

Procesor: Nvidia Jetson TX2
Veľkosť pamäte: RAM 8GB + flash 32 GB
Frekvencia: 2.0 GHz
Senzory: Hall sensors, stereoscopic camera, scientific sensors: temperature, humidity, direction and velocity of wind, UV index, radiation (Geiger counter) particulate matter concentration (PM 2.5), carbon dio
Pohon: 6 degrees of freedom robotic arm, four 250W BLDC motors
Napájanie: 6 cells 16000 mAh li-pol batteries
Programovací jazyk: C++, C, C#
Zaujímavosti: The only robot from outside USA, which was tested in JPL/NASA laboratory
Domáca stránka robota:


Our robot is called Scorpio X and it is our sixth construction. Principle of the robot was created around modular and reliable design. It is convenient for specific tasks, because Scorpio can be dynamically adjusted to preform particular tasks. It is very important for mass saving and prolonging