News from
- 9. 4. 2016Polish city Rybnik will guest 8th Robotic Tournament competition. You can register to the classical disciplines LineFollower, Micromouse, Freestyle, LEGO Linefollower and few Sumo categories (LEGO Sumo, Classic Sumo and Minisumo). Note also the new disciplines LegoConstructor and RoboDragRace for Lego. You may register until 7th April.
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- 10. 3. 2016Qualifications of the prestiguous technical competition NXP Cup are going to FIIT STU in Bratislava. Teams will show their autonomous programmable cars. Fastest car will have the chance to compete in Munchen. Let's go to view the teams from Poland, Czech republic and crossfingers for Slovaks! (poster)
Info in Slovak...
- 12. 2. 2016Košice: International round FLL - V4Semifinal tournament for Slovak, Czech, Hungrian and Polish teams. Most teams will be from Slovakia (12 teams from 6 regions). Best 4 teams will further compete in Hungarian Debrecen with the best German, Austrian and Swiss teams.
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- 23. 4. 2016Oldest robotic competition in the area of Central Europe. Traditional categories Linefollower, Micromouse and Freestyle. Also with an unique Ketchup House competition. And the completely new category Flying Challenge! Visit the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
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- 1. 11. 2015IQRF Alliance announces a worldwide contest IQRF Wireless Challenge II. “Test your skills, create a new application for the IQRF wireless technology and compete for valuable prizes totalling 3,700 EUR,” this is the challenge for all the technicians, programmers, developers, and students from all over the world. The contest begins from November 1, 2015 and closes on April 30, 2016. Final competition of the best projects will be held in May or June 2016. There are two categories to compete in - Developer and Student. IQRF development sets are available with up to 65 % discount for all the participants.
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- 3. 11. 2015Students of the STU in Bratislave can again register into the prestigeous engineering competition Freescale Cup. You can try to get into the world best 10 teams on World Final. Deadline November, 25th, 2015
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- 25. 4. 2015Oldest robotic competition in the area of Central Europe. Traditional categories Linefollower, Micromouse and Freestyle. Also with an unique Ketchup House competition. And the completely new category Flying Challenge! Visit the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
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- 28. 3. 2015Polish city Rybnik will guest 7th Robotic Tournament competition. You can register to the classical disciplines LineFollower, Micromouse, Freestyle, LEGO Linefollower and few Sumo categories (LEGO Sumo, Classic Sumo and Minisumo). Note also the new discipline LegoConstructor. You may register until 26th March.
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- 11. - 12. 4. 2015Largest European international robotic contest is again larger than before: more than 600 robots registered for more than 10 competitions. Most popular Linefollower and MiniSumo will see more than 100 robots! There is also 13 robots from Slovakia registered. We will watch them carefully. Crossfingers!
More information... - 25. - 26. 4. 2015Open tournament in Robotic Dance, Robotic Soccer and Rescue. Also teams from other countries are welcomed and can participate on competition at the Fachhochschule Kärnten Villach. Registration is open, deadline is 15. 3.
More information... - 2. 5. 2015In cute Slovak city Handlova they prepare for the 3rd meeting of the robotic fans with competitions in categories Minisumo, LegoSumo, Linefollower and Freestyle.
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- 4. 6. 2015Secondary school Alejová in Slovak city Ko¹ice will organize 6th Robotic battle. Competitions include Racing, Your Own Model and new Robotic Challenge! Rules and more information will be available soon.
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