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Author(s) / Autor(i): Bernhard Mayer, Philipp Friedenberger

Characteristics / Z�kladn� �daje

Processor / Procesor: ATmega644
Memory / Pam�: 64 kB
Freqency / Frekvencia: 8 MHz
Sensors / Senzory: 8x CNY70 + 1x SRF04
Driven by / Pohon: L298 and 2x RB35
Powered by / Nap�janie: NiCd-Battery @ 14,4 V
Programmed in / Programovac� jazyk: C (avrgcc)
Interesting / Zauj�mavosti:
WWW / Dom�ca str�nka robota: www.jecc.de

Description / Popis

The S2005 is a traditional Linefollower which already participated at some contests. This time is the first contest with additional obstacles. So we designed a new electronic which also includes a LCD. hopefully it will work ;-)

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© 2009 Richard Balogh a autori.