
20th International Robot Contest
Slovak University of Technology un Bratislava


.: Freestyle :.

  1. motoko uprising (Michal Chovanec) Žilina
  2. Autonómna všesmerová robotická platforma (Stanislav Jochman, Michal Miškolci) Košice
  3. JECCbot mini dc (Jonas Wühr) Deggendorf ger

Complete results list with evaluations.

Istrobot 2020

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are forced to cancel this competition as you know it.

It does not apply to one single category - Freestyle, which will take place remotely. By the May 10th, you can register. Then registered competitors have to upload their video, photos and documentation about their robot. The judges will then select three of the projects that deserve the award.


  • 10. 5. 2020 - registration deadline
  • 17. 5. 2020 - documentation upload
  • 31. 5. 2020 - evaluation by jury
  • 1. 6. 2020 - award announcement
  • undefined - public presentation


Your projects will check and evaluate following jury members:

  • prof. Ing. Peter Hubinský, PhD. (URK FEI STU) - chairman
  • RNDr. Andrej Lúčny, PhD. (ME Inspection)
  • Ing. Juraj Čenteš (Robotika.SK)
  • Ing. Martin Dekan, PhD. (URK FEI STU)
  • RNDr. David Obdržálek, PhD. (MFF UK Praha)
  • Ing. Lukáš Palkovič, PhD. (Aerobtec)

Categories and rules

Robots will compete in following categories:



In this on-line category you can show your robotic projects. Everyone can show within its video everyhting the robot can do. Jury selects a winner based on its videopresentation


Common rules

For each category also the common rules apply. They deals mainly with the safety issues and materials.

Personal data protection (GDPR)

By registering and completing an application for the Istrobot contest, the participants agree to publish their personal data in the form of an application form, start list and results on the contest websites (istrobot.sk and robotika.sk). Winners' names can also appear in press releases and media, as well as on social networks (facebook, instagram, YouTube).

Photography and Video: Our events are public. We process your personal data including photos and videos relating to the participanting person or his personal expressions in connection with participation in the event for the purpose of obtaining them (making them) and using them by publishing them on the websites robotika.sk and istrobot.sk, on social networks, press releases, and co-organizers, and to promote organizers and robotics. Please note that during the event such records will be made and that you are consenting to this processing of personal data by participating. In case of disagreement, you have the option of opposing the making of a person's image / video-audio recording with the photographer / cameraman.