
22nd international robotic contest
31. 5. 2022 FabLab Bratislava

Istrobot 2022

Istrobot 2022 will be live after two on-line years. We will meet again in Bratislave, in the FabLab makerspace.

Important dates

  • 6. 4. 2022 - deadline for printed tracks ordering
  • 11. 5. 2022 - deadline
  • 17. 5. 2021 - freestyle documentation upload
  • 31. 5. 2022 - Istrobot live

Kečup 2022

Ďalšia on-line kategória bude V sklade kečupu a tentoraz bez súperiaceho robota. V deň súťaže predvediete výkon svojho robota a my vám odmeriame čas. Aby to však bolo napínavejšie, nebudete vopred poznať persné rozmiestnenie plechoviek.

Súťažnú dráhu si vytlačíte a zlepíte, alebo dáte vytlačiť na formát A0. V prípade záujmu môžeme súťažiacim poslať vytlačené dráhy na trvanlivejšom materiáli, ktorý sa používa na bannery (PVC plachtovina 340g/m2). Treba len vyplniť prihlášku do 15. 3. aj s uvedením presnej poštovej adresy a poukázať na účet IBAN SK59 8330 0000 0021 0032 7421 sumu 24,- €.

Stopár 2022

Kategória Stopár sa uskutoční na vopred známej dráhe. V deň súťaže predvediete svojho robota a my vám odmeriame čas. Aby to však bolo napínavejšie, nebudete vopred poznať rozmiestnenie prekážok.

Súťažnú dráhu si vytlačíte a zlepíte, alebo dáte vytlačiť na formát A0. V prípade záujmu môžeme súťažiacim poslať vytlačené dráhy na trvanlivejšom materiáli, ktorý sa používa na bannery (PVC plachtovina 340g/m2). Treba len vyplniť prihlášku do 15. 3. aj s uvedením presnej poštovej adresy a poukázať na účet IBAN SK59 8330 0000 0021 0032 7421 sumu 14,- €.

Categories and rules

Robots can compete in following categories:



The task is to construct an autonomous robot that will complete the racing track and negotiate all its pitfalls. It contains several obstacles - for example a interruption or a brick to be avoided..


Ketchup house

In this category the task is to localize and sort ketchup cans in the storage. This year only single robot compete, winner is the robot collecting the largest number of cans.



In this category, competitors are encouraged to demonstrate their robotics creations which do not fit into other categories. The winner is appointed according to the jury judgment.


Common rules

For each category also the common rules apply. They deals mainly with the safety issues and materials.

Privacy Policy (GDPR)

By registering and completing the application form for the Istrobot competition, participants agree to the publication of their personal data in the form of the application form, start list and results on the competition website (istrobot.sk and robotika.sk). The names of the winners may also appear in the press release and media, as well as on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube). The contestant agrees to publish his/her video on the contest website and social networks (e.g. istrobot.sk, robotika.sk, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), of course, with the author's name.

Photography and video: Our events are public. Your personal data in the scope of photographs and video recordings concerning about a participant's person or expressions of a personal nature in connection with related to your participation in the event, we process for the purpose of obtaining (making) and using them, in the form of publication on the website robotika.sk and istrobot.sk, on social networks, in press releases and with co-organisers and for the purpose of promotion organisers and robotics. Please note that during the event such recordings will be will be made and that by participating you consent to this processing personal data. In case of disagreement, you have the possibility to object to the making of a visual/audio recording of your photographer/videographer.