Power switch for ATX PC
How to automatically switch the ATX computer on after the power failure [In Slovak].
CCD line sensor
How to use Sony CCD sensor ILX551-A for detection of the line position
2048 pixel's sensor is equipped with TAOS SLA-20B objective. [In Slovak]
Robots (active projects)
Virtual robotic laboratory
Entering virtual laboratory you can control real mobile robots (Robotnacka) using
Drawing mobile robot for supporting the teaching of the programming.
It works with Comenius Logo software, control commands are received
wireless based on IR.
Robotnačka II
New, improved version of the Robotnačka with bluetooth communication and proffesional design.
Mobile platform with autonomous control. [In Slovak]
Older, completed, or discontinued robots
Autonomous robot with remote control possibility. [In Slovak]
Test prototype of the teleoperated mobile inspection robot for unknown, resp. dangerous environments. [In Slovak]
Mobile robot navigated using visual system. Robot is controlled from external
PC. That PC provides image processing, obstacles recognition and
optimal path planning.
Mobile robot designed for the Istrobot Contest, category Linefollower.
Another mobile robot designed for the Istrobot Contest, category Linefollower.
Students project and design during the Robotic holidays.
Yet another mobile robot designed for the Istrobot Contest, category Linefollower.
Students project and design during the Robotic holidays.